Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Tuesday, May 25, 2021



How many graphic novels can you say the following about?:

IT IS FUN, IT IS REALLY FUNNY, it's satire, it's bawdy, it's absurdist, it's social commentary, it's wacky. Fun For American Boys is a satire of patriotic, youth–targeted publications from our politically incorrect, far from all-inclusive past. It consists of lots of short, satirical stories that gradually coalesce into an epic, multi-layered parody of adventure stories. You don’t have to be an American, or a boy, but YOU WILL HAVE FUN ! (And that’s an order. If you don’t, you’re no patriot.)

196 pages   $30.00

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

 99 Cent Kindle! CLICK HERE!

A 'best of' collection from the 'Kozmo of the Cosmos' comic strip -- a wacky and witty strip about kids in outer space.

Monday, March 15, 2021

KOZMOLOGY: The Compete Kozmo of the Cosmos

 Click Here to Buy It!

Need a good laugh? Need a little escapism from this troubled old world? Well, there’s hundreds of laughs in the out-of-this-world comic strip; Kozmo of the Cosmos, and they’re all collected here in Kozmology; The Complete Kozmo of the Cosmos. Wackiness, wit, wordplay and even a sprinkling of worldly wisdom are the hallmarks of this comic strip that became an instant internet classic. Revel in the antics of precocious 8-year-old space explorer Kozmo J. Doheeny, his best friend Gid the Wonder Dog, and their heroic crew. Join them as they engage in battles of wit, exploring a universe populated by pompous, buffoonish space creatures, and self-confident, taunting little girls.Kozmo of the Cosmos appeared as an internet comic strip from 2008 through 2012, racking up a little over 660 strips during its run. They’re all here in the comic strip packed extravaganza – Kozmology; The Complete Kozmo of the Cosmos.

$20 + shipping